Part of the appeal of Nature Detectives program is the possibility of bringing kids outside to reconnect with the little patches of nature that often times go unnoticed, using a relatively unstructured approach.”                Mom of third grade Nature Detective

          ~ Inquiry & Place-Based Learning ~ Hands on Fun! 

          ~ At School, Home, Park, Nature Center or Garden.  

          ~ Present as a One day Special Event, or  4 – 8 weekly sessions. 

          Link here to view covers of our “Discovery Guides.”  Guides are available to participants who complete  our 2-4 hour Virtual Leader Orientation Program.

tree, meet, nature, habitat, living systems, fall, themes, programs
.Fall “Trees as Habitat” studies trees as living systems and as habitat to sustain life for animals, birds and insects.
winter, wisdom, art, drawing, rain, rainsticks, programs, nature, music, sensory awareness, senses, playful learning, chill, rain
Winter Wisdom creates opportunities for using our senses for deep listening and observation, and creating earth music to mimic rain.
butterfly, spring, pollination, rebirth, Nature Detectives, nature, outdoor, learning, fun, programs
Spring “Nature in Motion” with stories and art, the emerging of flowers, plants, insects and pollinators.