Tell a Story Using Photographs Select photographs from this link and tell a story about these strange creatures of the forest and river.

Trees as habitat  Take a close look at trees in your yard or neighborhood.  What life does the tree support? How does the tree grow? Note shape of leaves or needles and how they connect to the branches.

Find Your Sit Spot Find a place to sit and observe what is around you – what you feel, smell, see, textures you can touch.

Scavenger Hunt  – Find textures, shapes, tracks and much more.

My Nature Notes – A reproducible page for taking notes or drawing nature observations. Can be copied and inserted into Nature Detectives Field Journal.

Essential Journal Questions – more advanced inquiry for older children to write and describe.

Naturalist Skills – One-page checklist outlining five major skills students learn and apply as Nature Detectives (Safety, Observation, Identification, Mapping, Documentation, Measurement)